Friday, May 29, 2009

Mind Control

I have spent so much of my life focused on what I considered to be my mind, and attempting to calm it, focus it, center it, and otherwise master it. A moment of clarity finally dawned upon me this morning.

We cannot control our mind because "our" mind is really THE mind, and the the mind isn't us, we are a part of it.

Awareness, by way of acceptance, is the only way out of confusion and into the mind.

The thoughts that seem to be on our mind are simply the thoughts on everyone's mind. Our stressors are their problems. Their problems are out challenges to deal with.

We are all inextricably linked to each other, and experiencing the same reality. We are all tied into the same mind. That mind exists not inside of us, and not outside of us. It exists everywhere, and no where at the same time. Everywhere in that where ever you look, it can be found. No where, in that when you find it, it isn't only there. The whole cannot be condensed into a single thought, a single awareness, or a single moment in time.

The way to calm 'our' mind is to accept whole heartedly, without any judgement or consideration, everything that we perceive. We have to accept that the mind is not ours to control.

Give up the inclination to control. Accept everything as it is. React with your heart, from a place of compassion for yourself and others.