Wednesday, April 24, 2013

How much a year changes things

I rarely blog, in fact the last time I took the time to share some thoughts was over a year ago. I just re-read that post, and it helps put time in perspective. When I wrote my last post, I was feeling disempowered and unable to act as a change agent. Now I have been promoted, have one direct report to help me out and will have another in a month or two. People are listening to my ideas and because of that, I am being given the opportunity to put those ideas into action.

What does this have to do with walking the path and enlightenment? The I-Ching councils to know when to push and even more importantly, when to step back and let things progress at their own pace. Lao Tzu touts the power of inaction.

In the context of work, I put my ideas out there to people in positions to consider them. Most importantly, I kept my focus on the future and stayed focus on suggesting solutions to challenges that OTHER PEOPLE were facing. I took myself out of it, and focused on what the organization needed. I pointed out where potential problems lurked, and sure enough, given enough time, those problems materialized. The people who failed to act upon those problems are no longer with the company, and now I have shifted into the position to pick up where they failed. Most importantly though, I did not give into the urge to say "I told you so."

Work and life balance are important. Work hard, work diligently and drive to do the right thing, no matter how unpopular it might seem. Yet at the same time, have a life. Have something going on besides work to step into. It is much easier to be patient when you can focus your mind upon other endeavors.