Saturday, September 10, 2011

Money, what is really going on with it?

I find that I spend inordinate amounts of time thinking about money and economics and trying to understand what is really happening in the world of finance. It all started in the middle of the 21st century when I saw the real estate market bubbling up. I had never been aware of a bubble before, and at first I did not realize that the real estate market was a bubble. All I knew is that homes were getting more and more expensive, and I was beginning to wonder if I was ever going to be able to afford one.

We all know what happened to the real estate market, and it turns out that the real estate bubble was just another mis-allocation of money. My curiosity was piqued so I set about trying to understand what happened. To this day, I still do not completely get it, and that is what this blog post is about. I am hoping that others might understand and be able to offer me some insights.

The real estate bubble, like the tech bubble before it was the result of the Federal Reserve making too much credit and "money" available to the world. After the tech bubble (the "dot com boom and bust") imploded in the early 2000s, the Federal Reserve and the United States government had a problem on their hands. This is where I believe the problem started. And this is what I need to understand.

As of late, I have been getting the sense that "money" on one level represents control. It represents the collective will of a few powerful interests. Now without going too far into conspiracy theories, it does not seem at all implausible that there are groups out there with access to resources who feel that they know what is best for everyone else in the world. Using the banks, the Federal Reserve and the United States government as fronts, they set about guiding the world for what they believe is the best.

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, it was decided that a global information system was needed. Resources were poured into the technology sector and many great technologies were invented. Stock prices went through the roof and lots of people made "money", but in the end the bubble burst. The technology companies served their uses and then the funding was withdrawn. At the end of the bubble, companies with no business plans were getting millions of dollars in funding based on the buzz around "the internet" and "technology". At that point it was too late. All of the big, important ideas had been invented and the resources needed to be moved.

It might be hard for some people to fathom, but there are a limited amount of resources on the planet. There is only so much food, so many raw materials, so much fuel, etc. At some point, money has to be tied to resources. That is what inflation is about. When too much money is printed, resources become too expensive. At some point, if resources become too too expensive, then society begins to break down because people cannot afford what they need to live. A balancing act is required. There needs to be enough money channeled into essential sectors to attract intelligent, capable people to perform the work that needs to be done. But, not everyone can earn a million plus dollars a year because then gas will be $250 a gallon and bread will be $50 a loaf.

It is said that the dot com crash destroyed $5 trillion dollars in equity. Likewise, it has been said that trillions of dollars could be lost as a result of the housing bubble. (

So what is going on? We have trillions of dollars appearing and disappearing. In each cycle resources are allocated to a specific cause. First it was technology and the United States, and the world developed the internet and improved communications. Then it was the housing bubble, and millions of new homes were built. In 2005 alone, over 1.2 million new homes were sold.

I don't know. I need to put more thought into this. I think it's heading toward one world currency and a global financial reset. It has to get to the point where every country holds so much bad debt from every other country, that everyone can agree that it is too complex to sort everything out and the best way to move forward is to agree to forgive all debt... or, to roll over all debt into loans issued in a new currency.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Physio-Spiritual Resource Groups

Role-centric resource for neighborhoods of all shapes and sizes.

Gardener - Botanist - Agriculture Focused Individual
Provides self sustaining food foundation for...

Physical trainer - adept - spiritual guide unifying body, fed by Gardener's food, teaching the community

Psychologist - Behavioralist - Economic Guide
Guidance for healthy activities, community outreach, encouraging support of garden to help perpetuate cycle.

Sales Staff -
Sells excess food to the community.
Providing spiritual guidance / practices to the community.

Restaurant - Meal assistance classes. Ingredients provided, community building. Entry fee = Food (base ingredient for recipe of the day)

Garden / Restaurant / Physical movement space - probably already conceived of, templates available? Cost per sq/ft?

Work to Wealth services. Grants for Gardening. HUD / Section8.

-- Scalability. How many resources required to sustain "full group" of X number of roles.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

World wide sadness and sharing our blessings

I think the sadness of the world just caught up with me today. I have been on the edge of tears, filled with this sense of compassion for the world, yet frustrated and sad by not being able to do anything about it. I am speaking generally of the great unrest taking place in the world right now. In Syria, the government has turned on the people and is violently repressing them. In London, riots just flared up and old social wounds were ripped open as racial prejudices between the police and the community were once again brought to the forefront. In Somalia people are starving. There are people leaving their families, and never coming home again as the cruel twists of fate make any given day their last.

As sad as things are in the world, I feel fortunate to live where I do. In America we know peace. There are not tanks rolling through the streets killing my family, and I have access to ample food and shelter. Even as our economy teeters on the brink of serious problems, I look around and see prosperity and opportunity.

I truly believe that on a higher level, the people of this planet are all connected. We share in the struggles, and on the opposite side of the coin, should also be able to share in the good things as well. Anyone who has had any experience with distance healing / reiki knows the power of a spirit focused with positive intention.

I write these words here to propose good deeds. I propose that those of us who are blessed with even a few moments of peace and tranquility, share those moments with others who are not. As we lay in bed at night and get ready to sleep, as we are there in our safe homes, having been able to spend the day more or less as we wanted to... as we have full belly's, recent memories of good times with friends and family, and the luxury of spending a few mindful moments relaxing the conscious energies and drifting off to sleep. There in moments like those, we can share them with the world. The sense that we feel, the emotions that are the energy of our lives, we can use our minds and bodies like tuning forks of positivity, allowing those energies to flow out to where they are needed most.

Pick a place on the globe where you know there are problems. Or perhaps just pick a negative emotion that you know others are feeling... distress, fear, etc. Allow the goodness that you are in, the relaxed state of being able to sleep peacefully.. allow it to grow from you.. project it, and share it with others. Beam it up toward the sky. Send it out through the walls and across the oceans. Let your exhalations bring peace and tranquility to the world.

As the earth travels through the universe and orbits the sun, as the planet spins upon its axis, the ritual of day passing into night, and night becoming day repeats itself. As some are drifting off to sleep, others are beginning their day... and yet others are in the middle of their days, facing challenges, trials and tribulations that most of us cannot even conceive of, and with many blessings... might be able to make it through our life times without having to face. Those people need all of the positive thoughts, and love and compassion and tranquility that we can manifest. Let us be good to each other, even those whom we might not "know".

Let us count our blessings when we are aware of them. Let us be compassionate with each other. Even a few moments of positive intention can make a literal world of difference.